As Pilates continues to attract increasing attention and interest, many hybrids have emerged under the moniker “Pilates.” My teacher, Romana Kryzanowska has become increasingly worried that the work she loves so much is being maligned and contorted into “Yoga- lates”, “Karate- lates”, and the like. Far from being snobbish, it just falls into a different category than Pilates/Contrology, and should not be confused with the true, authentic system she learned and has practiced for decades.
Some of these Pilates “hybrids” specialize in “certifying” “teachers” in a weekend, or LESS. BEWARE!!! These are money-grubbers interested in the fast buck, preying on the vulnerability of interested parties who deserve better, and may not know how to ask or seek it. These money-making Pilates “run of the mill drive thru food” give students “the words” for each exercise, asking them to memorize “text”, rather than spending the time to acquire sensitivity to a clients individual needs. This has all the value and nutrition you could expect from your run-of-the-mill dead meal drive through. Please do not mistake this for Pilates/Contrology.
The client looking for a Pilates/Contrology session should, in my opinion, find a teacher certified by Romana Kryzanowska who has experience, sensitivity, energy, vitality and a thorough appreciation of your goals and physical history.
It is important for a client to bring to Pilates/Contrology a willingness to learn, an openness to transforming their bodies, and all the vigor and enthusiasm that is the foundation for success in any endeavor.
You can’t lie on your back like a smoked salmon and wonder why nothing is happening.
We will be partners in your progress.
Finally, not too long ago, a new client burst into the studio loudly announcing “I want a good workout!”
I smiled broadly, shook his hand, and replied, “Are you gonna help?"